Finding Joy: Workshop with Neida, 2- 3:30 p, Sunday, 3/24

An Active Invitation for Joy with Neida,

Sunday, 3/24, 2:00- 3:30 pm

 Joy is an emotion that can be cultivated: Sparks of joy with an open mind can lead to an upward spiral of more joy. This present moment feeling is broader than happiness and greatly impacts our daily interactions with others, stress levels, and overall wellbeing. 


 In This Workshop:

 We will explore ways to invite more happiness and joy into our lives every day including through discussion, yoga asana, meditation and active writing exercises that will pay a role in your life after our time together. 

- Please bring a pen & notebook. All other stationary supplies will be provided. 

- Wear comfortable clothing that you can move in.

- Bring your yoga mat or borrow one of ours. 

- Regular $30, Members $25