COMMUNITY KIRTAN, Peace and healing for our Crazy World: Shelly Herlihy, 8/19, 6:30-8 PM, BY DONATION

Kirtan is a practice in the path of Bhakti Yoga chanting Sanskrit mantras in a call and response form. Instruments are used to accompany the kirtan wallah.

All are welcome- those that wish to learn, watch, participate, or simply soak in the energy. True community, truly welcoming, a true moment.
Come join in the response, grab a drum, kartals or kanjira (tambourine), lead a mantra, and play the harmonium.

Every 3rd Saturday we invite Our Community to join us for Kirtan. Shelley Herlihy leads us for August. Shelley, a dedicated Bhakti yoga practitioner has been playing music, singing, and teaching yoga for years. When life allowed for her to follow her passion, Localokah Kirtan was formed.  Localokah strives to bring some peace and healing to our crazy world.

By donation, CC, Venmo, Cash accepted. Chairs, bolsters, blankets, tea, & beverages are available so that all are comfortable. All are welcome for any duration of the Kirtan.